Wednesday, January 9

The Last Two (Ahem....) Months

Crazy that it's been nearly two months since I've posted.  I mean, aside from our fabulous (why no, I have no shame!) Christmas card I posted a couple of weeks ago.  Oh, and a little more on that.....we had this great opportunity to get custom family pictures for a SCREAMIN' deal through my husband's auntie. 

And we got to keep the images.

And they turned out great.

What more could this cheap momma ask for??!?!?

Anyhow......I was talking to my mom a few weeks ago about this poor neglected blog of mine.  I feel so bad that it's been pretty much put out to pasture.  Because I like my blog.  I do.  But I like my pictures better than my writing (and I am NOT saying I have photography figured out--not by a long shot!), so I feel I always need to include pictures in my posts.  However, by the time I get the photos edited and sorted and ready for posting, I have no energy-much less time!!!-to get it all done.  And let's face it, the blog requires that I think.  And at the end of a L-O-N-G day, I don't want to think.  I just want to veg out and watch my mindless TV shows and call it a day.  Ya' know?  That and then the only time I have for this blog is after both the kiddos are in bed, and that is usually when my hard working husband is getting home and I'd rather spend those few precious minutes with him before we head for bed to get some sleep before it all starts over again.  

And I am not complaining.......I'm really not.  I guess what I am saying is that my priorities have shifted.  I used to blog during Peanut's nap time.  And I don't have that I have two littles that occupy my time, along with all my other home-fires-burning-responsibilities.  Plus, we are home now, so family occupies my free time too.  How blessed am I???

I would love to say I am going to consistently post three times a week, but I know I won't.  Hopefully it will be better than every eight weeks, but who knows?  I definitely will be around and I'm not throwing in the towel, but for now, please know that if I am not here consistently, that I am enjoying life! 

Now that my sparseness in posting has been addressed (for the final time!), here are a few of the highlights from the last few months. 

The Sunday before Thanksgiving I finally, finally got over myself (my fear of getting up in front of more than 5 five people) and I got baptized at our church's Thanksgiving service.

It was nerve wracking and wonderful.  

At the beginning of December, we got to attend Peanut's preschool Christmas program.  It was precious. 

I couldn't stop crying. Are we surprised? 

I think it was my favorite part of the Christmas season. 

Oh, and case in point about getting photos ready to post and then never getting them posted:

Peanut got QUITE the kick out of her little brother and herself having froggy jammies.  So I snapped this at bedtime when I realized he was about to retire his pair. 

We had a great Christmas celebrating with lots of family.  It was fabulous.

Peanut received a pink Princess guitar from my aunt and then proceeded to entertain us for as long as we let her on Christmas Eve.  Thinks she's Maria Von Trapp, she does.  If only we didn't have to wait until she is five for CYT

Finally, our little guy is growing up so fast.  He was over 21 pounds at his six month appointment. Yes, I know.  He is rolling over as his main mode of transportation at this point, but I am sure he will crawling soon just to keep up with his sister.  Speaking of Peanut, well, he adores her completely.  CANNOT take his eyes off her when she is around.  (yes indeed, more I never got around to posting....)

He started solids this week and is enjoying it immensely.  He is sitting up really well too.  Still sometimes topples backwards, but he'll go 5-10 minutes at a time before he does topple.  His little ear tufts are nearly gone and he has graduated from the carrier car seat to the big boy car seat (still rear facing of course).  I miss the carrier.  Although he was SO heavy in that thing, they are SO convenient.  Now I am using my shopping cart cover or stroller all. the. time. to avoid as many germs as possible.  But he loves it.  Stimulation overload I think. Plus, he is such a smiley baby, he has the other fellow shoppers eating out of his hand. 

I kid you not. 

 He is my sweet boy and she is my spirited girl.  I can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us. 


1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

I miss you! Hope you are all well. xoxo


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