Ohmylanta....so, according to our trusty almanac, the first day of spring was on Tuesday. Or so it says. However on Thursday morning--here in our neck of the woods--we woke up to this:
Ahem. Despite those sad looking daffodils, that doesn't look very springy to me.
That said, my family and I were just a little more than
thrilled on Friday AND today, when we had
some of THEE most beeeauuuuutiful days of the year (at least so far!!!!). I think the high today was 64 degrees? And if you know us crazy Northwesterners, when we get gorgeous days like this, we go all out.
Like break out the new spring/summer clothes all out.
And go out and take pictures to have proof of a 60+ degree day all out.
And go and fly that kite we've been promising Peanut we would fly all out.
And even break out the flip flops all out.
Yes, yes,
I know. That belly is
definitely showing and I probably
should throw financial caution to the wind and spring (ha, ha, get it?) for that pedi. Either way, here's to more gorgeous days ahead!
Oh, and in other delightful news.....I had my glucose test this week. And the results? I DON'T have gestational diabetes--not even close! This was
quite a concern, as I did have it with our little Peanut. I
have been watching what I am eating (although most wouldn't really even say that I have been very restrictive--just cautious) and I
have been making use of my parents treadmill during our stay here. Which if you know me, takes a tremendous amount of discipline for this I prefer not to exert myself kind of girl. But either way--praise the Lord--I am blessed!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh, and I can I just share?!?!.....just 37 more days until
our house is back in our possession! Note I just said
possession......we won't be living there quite at that point, as this nesting mama has an ever growing Honey Do/My Gracious Folks Can You Help Us {Hubs?} With? list.
But I am still way excited....can you tell?