Saturday, February 25


Our little Peanut has been having tons of fun with all her new playmates.  She just has lots of little ones between all our family and friends that keep her occupied.  There are the little ones across the street from my parents (our current digs), my friend's kids, my other friend's kids, my cousin's little girl (I always forget the term of that relation--would that be my second cousin or first cousin once removed? I have no idea...).  Combine this with preschool two days a week and story time at the library and well, our little girl is sacked out when it comes to bedtime.

We spent yesterday evening with my cousin and her little love and this morning/afternoon with one of my closest friends and their little girl (and could I remember to take pictures two days in a row? Of course not.).

She fell asleep tonight at six o'clock, folks.  



And here I am at 22 1/2 weeks.  It's funny because my starting weight this time around was about ten pounds less then it was with the Peanut.  And currently, I've only gained around 8-9 pounds.  But somehow I look like I am at 36 weeks.  When "they" say you show a lot quicker the second time around....."they" weren't kidding!  


Saturday, February 18

Fashion Designer

I've mentioned before that the Peanut has quite the way with clothes....she was at it again this morning.  Normally, when she is in the bath, I usually go in her room and lay out her clothes for the day on her bed.  Note, as I said, I just lay them out on the bed, still folded.

She got the idea today to lay them out as an "outfit" as well accessorize the ensemble.

Yes, those slippers are much too big for her right now.   She found them stashed away
 in one of her drawers. 

She is such a funny girl!


Wednesday, February 15

Our Newest Addition!

We got our perfect little "love gift" (as my husband's cousin so appropriately called it) late yesterday afternoon.  We are so excited to announce that our newest addition to our family is a......................

I cannot even begin to tell you how excited we are!

Monday, February 13

Why, Yes--I Do Still Know How to Operate a Camera

I actually have been taking some pictures in the last several days.  There are even sweet little things to say about each one.

I mentioned before that Peanut looks forward to every afternoon when Grandma gets home from work.  My Mom usually gets home around 3:30 every afternoon.  Some days, as early as 11 am!, Peanut asks repeatedly, "Is Grandma home from work yet?"  It's too funny.  Today, I got to capture some of her excitement on camera.  Peanut was outside playing when my Mom got home and I was able to tell her that Grandma was home and snap a few pics at the same time.

Our sweet girl is in preschool right now and they are having a Valentine's Day party tomorrow.  So we got to go to the store to pick out Valentine's.  I think I was as excited as she was--probably more, cause I don't even think she gets it yet.  Of course, my girl, who had a plethora of pink and purple My Little Pony, Disney Princess, and all other sorts of hearts and flowers Valentine's to pick from, she went with her favorite, Toy Story.  Or as she calls them, "The Buzz One's."  But as my Mom always tells me, pick your battles.  Eating your vegetables?  There's a battle worth having.  But Valentine's?  Not so much.


We were making Valentine cupcakes and I went upstairs to use the bathroom, again (sheesh, and I'm only at 21 weeks!).  I come back downstairs and Peanut has made herself more than welcome to the chocolate cake batter.  Her response?  "Don't worry Mommy, I only had a little bit."


And for the final tid bit, our Peanut has become VERY bossy to my parents ever patient black lab, Jet.  Pretty much because she's the only one that will listen to the Peanut.  Jet puts up with Peanut's bear hugs, her bossiness, her three year temperament like. a. champ.  So Peanut has now taken to reading Jet stories as well.  And Jet even listens.

Most of the time.  But if Jet sees an opportunity, she escapes as fast as she can.  Either way, she is such a good girl to our little girl.

Stay tuned Wednesday or Thursday of this week--we get to find out if our little bundle will be in pink or blue!

Friday, February 10

A Bad Case of Writers Block?

I have been way bad on posting much so that my Mom has even made mention of it.  So it must be really bad.  Not that I didn't already know that.  Life has just been different these past few months.  Not bad in any way, but definitely different. 

Being pregnant, then packing, then moving, and now, settling in.  Talk about different, right?  Just calling on address changes alone.....good grief!

Peanut is in preschool, so that takes this homebody away from home (the computer) for multiple hours each week (but I can hear an amen on grocery/Target/Costco browsing all. by. myself?!?!?!  AMEN.).

Hometown is a *somewhat* rural area (although still part of a major metropolitan area) so it takes longer to get most places as compared to our former Smalltown.  So that takes some of my time. 

I got our taxes filed and then had to amend my filing because I forgot one of the things we were supposed to claim, so that has taken some time. 

I have friends here (I am pretty much the wall flower, so sadly {all of my own doing!} I didn't have too many close relationships in Smalltown) and I have been having fun catching up with everyone here, so that has taken some of my time.  

And my iPad?  Well, my affections for my much loved (and much missed) DVR have been replaced with games on my tablet.  So, yes, that too, has taken some of my time. 

Finally, living here at my parents, we now have a nice large, gated yard for Peanut to explore, so that takes some time too.   

We are settling into a new normal.  Life is good, just different. 

I am liking loving different. 

Wednesday, February 1

Nineteen Weeks

I can't believe 1/12 of the year is already over.  That probably sounds a little silly, but time is flying by!  I say that every month of every year, but seriously.  Of course, it couldn't be that we were busy moving and getting settled through the better part of January, so it was like I blinked and missed the whole month.

Or maybe that was the case.

My photo taking has been way lagging lately, so those three little posts for the month of January?  That was pretty much the extent of my picture taking for the whole month. We have even been behind in taking photos of the progress for little love #2.

Way to keep up on that promise that I would take just as many pictures of the second child as the first child.  Nice, right?  

We've been behind partly because of moving.  But mostly, because every time I thought to take a picture, I either hadn't showered, hadn't put on a stitch of makeup, looked like a slob (or some sort of combination of all three-yikes!) OR if I felt it was a picture worthy moment, Hubs wasn't home to catch it on camera.

Poor Hubs.  

Definitely have popped out from the last picture, huh?

Welcome to being married for almost eight years, right?  Those photo worthy moments (at least of me) are further and further between. 

However, all that aside, in other (wonderful!!) news, we had my first prenatal appointment yesterday and we FINALLY got to hear the heartbeat!  My first appointment up in Smalltown was at just ten weeks, so we couldn't hear the heartbeat just yet.  Although they did try.  But the little love was very active in the ultrasound, so that was very comforting.  Both my doctor up there and down here said it wasn't really necessary to have another appointment until we got moved and settled, so that is why it's taken so long to get to be able to hear that little hummingbird beat.  But we got to hear it yesterday, and it was just as awesome as it was the first time.

We also got to schedule the next ultrasound, so as long as this little one isn't shy, we should be able to find out if our sweet little Peanut will be having a little brother or sister.  Plus, the appointment is on Valentine's Day, so isn't that sweet?

Please cue for the collective Awwwwwww

We also gave notice to our renters, and they were (somewhat surprisingly!) very understanding and agreeable, despite them having to move about two months earlier than they had originally planned.   So praise God for that as well!

And our Peanut?  LOVING the late afternoon when Grandma gets home from work.  Asks me several times each day, "Is Grandma home from work yet?"  So I will leave you with a photo I took this afternoon when my mom beckoned me outside to take a picture.