Monday, November 1

Everywhere a Quack, Quack

It was such a fun weekend.  As I had mentioned previously, my sister came to visit on Saturday, and Peanut was thrilled!  Have I ever mentioned that she LOVES having new playmates?  Well, she does.  And the Peanut was excited too.  

My sister has an iPad and she purchased some apps for Peanut to play around with.  It is amazing what kids will catch on to with very little instruction.  There are times when this is good and times when this is not so good.  There is this puzzle game where you put together puzzles of fruits and different animals.  My sister showed the Peanut how to do a handful of pieces and that was all she needed.  She absolutely loved it and she couldn't get enough of it!  I don't know what impressed me more, the fact that Peanut could do the puzzles or the fact that she pretty much has mastered the use of a touch screen.  Truly amazing.  And those iPads....aren't those fun little toys....maybe someday

Sunday, of course was Halloween.  We don't really "trick or treat"--I am not too much into the whole idea behind it and let's face it, I am a mean mom, and I never very rarely give the Peanut candy.  It's not so much the ingredients I am worried about (although those are terrible too) but I worry about her teeth and candy sticking to them for hours on end after she's eaten it and I don't want her getting cavities, etc, etc.  So we only stopped by our neighbor's house right next door and our landlords. 

Yesterday afternoon, I called my landlord to see if we could stop by when there was still daylight because I wanted to get some pictures of the Peanut.  They have this wonderful backyard that I knew would provide a beautiful backdrop for some pictures of the Peanut in her costume.  I hesitated about calling (I didn't know if that was rude or not, but my Mom said that she didn't think so) and I am so glad I asked.  I was pretty happy with how the pictures turned out....but I let those do the rest of the talking.


And can we just give a round of applause to Grandma?

Yes, she made the costume.

Have I ever mentioned how talented she is?  I might have.  Once or twice.

I was having issues finding a costume deemed suitable for a two year old (nothing scary, nothing too grown up, something absolutely cute....) for Peanut.  And we all know I have absolutely NO shame in imposing myself on my Mom and asking her to whip something I asked.  And my Mom obliged.  Isn't it absolutely darling?

Thanks so much, Mom. 


  1. Ok, the 4th one down where she is holding something is hilarious. It's like she is laughing to her herself with an inside joke or something. :)

  2. Great pictures! I had such a fun time with y'all! Thanks again for having me and I always look forward to your next visit,but even more so when you'll be able to move back. Love you all! Sending lots of {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} :o)


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