Sunday, October 3

Menu Plan Monday

With last week's visitors, we had a fair amount of leftovers to get through, so there were several items we didn't get to last week.  So you'll see some repeats this week.  I also have an abundance of green peppers, so the night I make those I am making lots of extras to freeze for an easy dinner somewhere down the road.  And sadly, I thought my parents were coming this next weekend, but I guess there was a miscommunication, so no visitors for the upcoming weekend.  :(  Oh well, I guess two more weeks before we get to see them again.  I guess I'll just have to be patient.  Maybe an old dog can learn knew tricks?   Finally, without further ado, for this week:

Sunday-Tortellini Bake, Green Salad with Homemade Ranch Dressing

Monday-Stuffed Peppers, Green Salad

Tuesday-Pork Fried Rice and Subgum

Wednesday-Spicy Peanut Chicken, steamed veggies

Thursday-Orzo and Chicken Salad (recipe to come), Crusty Bread

Friday-Baked Potato Bar with chili, cheese, sour cream, green onions, broccoli,


For other great menu ideas, visit the Organizing Junkie


  1. Hmmmm.... you just gave me a great idea. I hate chili, so I rarely make it. I love baked potatoes, but they're not enough of a "meal" for my husband. Maybe one night I'll use your idea and make the chili and baked potatoes together-- thanks!

    My menu is up HERE with recipe links if you'd like to take a peek.  :)

  2. Your menu looks great. We are having a Texas Chili Cook Off here at The Cottage. You might like to check it out.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Yummy! Everything looks so delicious! I think I'm going to add the potato bar to my menu for next week. Thanks for sharing.


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